Regions of Interest (ROIs)

ImageJ supports image annotation with regions of interest (ROIs), also called overlays, to designate image segments or features. The Slide Set core commands rely on ROIs to identify which parts of images should be measured (for example, individual cells). Slide Set includes an editor to facilitate ROI creation and storage of ROIs.

Note that while ImageJ allows the creation of ROIs in arbitrary dimensions (including image channels), this functionality is not easily accessible from the user interface and is ignored by Slide Set. All ROIs created with the Slide Set ROI editor and used as inputs for Slide Set core commands are assumed to be regions in the X–Y plane applying to all channels, even if they are only drawn on one channel.

The ROI editor

Open the ROI editor by selecting a table with images and choosing Table > ROI Editor from the menu. If the table contains more than one column with images, you will be asked to select one of them on which the ROIs will be drawn.

The ROI editor panel includes controls for managing ROI sets and switching between the images in each row of the data table.

To create a new ROI set, select Add ROI Set. If the table contains multiple ROI sets, use the drop-down box at the top of the panel to choose between them. Once you have selected an ROI set to edit, use the ordinary ROI tools in the ImageJ toolbar (square, circle, polygon, line, and point) to draw ROIs on the image. Press t to add the ROI to the ROI manager, if it is not added automatically. To save the ROIs in a file (the file name will be stored in the data table), select Save. Selecting Undo will discard any changes that have been made since the ROIs were last saved, and reload the ROIs from the file.

To switch between the images in each row of the data table, select << or >>, or choose an image from the lower drop-down box. Select ROI Manager to open ImageJ's ROI manager window, which contains more tools for dealing with ROIs. Select Export SVG to export the ROIs in the displayed image as an SVG file which can be used in a figure (not all ROI types can be exported).

Using the ROI editor with N-dimensional images may have unpredictable results, and is not recommended.

Slide Set contains two versions of the ROI manager, one using the classic ImageJ user interface and ROI tools, and one using the ImageJ2 user interface. Prior to Slide Set version 1.4, only the ImageJ2 version was included. The current version of Slide Set uses the ImageJ1 user interface by default. While this results in some minor changes in ROI selection behavior, this user interface offers improved stability and performance compared to the ImageJ2 user interface, which is still considered experimental. The ImageJ2 ROI Editor is still available by selecting Table > ROI Editor (IJ2) from the menu. ROIs created with either version of the ROI editor and saved as SVG files are fully compatible with both versions.

ROI file formats

Slide Set supports two different file formats for storing ROI data. By default, the ROI editor saves overlay data as scalable vector graphics (SVG) files. SVG is a common format for line drawings, and can be displayed by many web browsers. However, angle and text overlays cannot be saved in SVG files, and not all graphical elements that SVG files can contain can be imported as overlays (for example, embedded images and ovals that have been rotated or skewed).

As an alternative, a dedicated file format, identified by the extension .roiset, can be used to store ROI data. This format is a combination of individual ROI file formats defined by ImageJ. While it can handle any overlay type, files created with one version of ImageJ may not be readable by later versions.