Create Mask Image

Generate a mask image from a region of interest (ROI) set. Two versions of this command are available. For the Create Mask Image command, pixels within any one of the ROIs are set to 255 and pixels outside all of the ROIs are set to 0. For the Create Multimask Image command, pixel values are set to the index value of the containing ROI, or 0 for pixels outside all ROIs.

Input Parameters


Regions defining the mask.

Type: ROI Set File ([])


Image file whose dimensions will be used as a template for the generated mask images.

Type: Image File (


Mask image

Raster representation of Regions. Result depends on the command version.

For the Create Mask Image command:

Pixels within an ROI are set to 255. Pixels outside the ROIs are set to 0.

For the Create Multimask Image command:

Pixels within an ROI are set to the 1-based index of the ROI within the ROI set. Pixels within multiple ROIs are set to the highest index value of all the containing ROIs. Pixels outside of all ROIs are set to 0. If the ROI set contains more than 255 regions, pixels in higher-index regions will be set to 255.

Image dimensions are determined by the dimensions of Template, and ROIs outside of those dimensions are ignored.

Type: Image File (