Threshold Segmentation

Segment an image based on defined thresholds on one to three channels. Returns regions of interest for each 4-neighborhood segment of pixels above the thresholds.

Input Parameters


Arbitrary bit-depth images with any number of channels.

Type: Image File (net.imagej.Dataset)

Channel thresholds

A space-separated ordered list of thresholds for each channel. The appropriate threshold is subtracted from each pixel value. If the pixel value is less than the threshold, the pixel value is counted as 0.

For example, 10 25 102 would specify a threshold of 10 for the first channel, a threshold of 25 for the second channel, and a threshold of 102 for the third channel. If an image has fewer channels than the number of thresholds listed, the extra threshold values will not be used. If an image has more channels than the number of thresholds listed, they will be recycled in order. If no thresholds are listed, a threshold of 0 is implied.

Type: Text (String)

Minimum size

Segmented regions with fewer pixels than this parameter will be discarded.

Type: Integer (int)

Maximum size

Segmented regions with more pixels than this parameter will be discarded.

Type: Integer (int)

Combine thresholds

If false, pixels with values greater than the threshold on any channel may be included in segments. If true, only pixels with values greater than the threshold on every channel may be included in segments.

Type: Logical (boolean)



Regions of interest for each 4-neighborhood segment of pixels above the thresholds. To view the results using the ROI Editor, copy the Images column from the input table into the results table.

Type: ROI Set File ([])