Border Statistics

Calculate signal intensity within sets of pixels defined by the borders of regions of interest (ROIs). Returns the mean value on each channel, the length of the border, and the number of pixels included in the border stripe. This command has two variants, standard (Border Statistics) and multi-channel (Border Stats (multi-chan)), with different structures for input parameters and results.


Input Parameters


Expects arbitrary bit-depth images with between 1 and 3 channels. Channels are assumed to be in red, green, blue order.

Type: Image File (

Region of Interest

Set of ROIs defining the region borders.

Type: ROI Set (file) ([])

Border Width

The distance, in pixels, from the ROI borders that will be included in the analysis.

Type: Numeric (double)

Channel Thresholds

Integers specifying thresholds for each channel. The appropriate threshold is subtracted from each pixel value. If the pixel value is less than the threshold, the pixel value is counted as 0.

Type: Numeric (double)


Flag specifying whether pixel values should be measured above the threshold (false, default) or below the threshold (true).

Type: Logical (boolean)


One result row is produced for each ROI.

Red, Green, and Blue Channel Averages

Mean of threshold-subtracted pixel values within the ROI. For green and blue totals, returns 0 if the image does not include a second or third channel.

If Invert is false (default):

∑[max(Xi,c - Tc, 0)] / area

If Invert is true:

–∑[min(Xi,c - Tc, 0)] / area

Xi,c, value at pixel i on channel c
Tc, threshold for channel c
area, number of pixels included in the border region

Type: Numeric (double)


Length, in pixels, of the border.

Type: Numeric (double)

Border Stripe Pixels

Number of pixels included within the border region.

Type: Integer (int)


Input Parameters


Expects arbitrary bit-depth images with any number of channels.

Type: Image File (

Region of Interest

Set of ROIs defining the region borders.

Type: ROI Set (file) ([])

Border Width

The distance, in pixels, from the ROI borders that will be included in the analysis.

Type: Numeric (double)


A space-separated ordered list of thresholds for each channel. The appropriate threshold is subtracted from each pixel value. If the pixel value is less than the threshold, the pixel value is counted as 0.

For example, 10 25 102 would specify a threshold of 10 for the first channel, a threshold of 25 for the second channel, and a threshold of 102 for the third channel. If an image has fewer channels than the number of thresholds listed, the extra threshold values will not be used. If an image has more channels than the number of thresholds listed, they will be recycled in order. If no thresholds are listed, a threshold of 0 is implied.

Type: Text (String)


Flag specifying whether pixel values should be measured above the threshold (false, default) or below the threshold (true).

Type: Logical (boolean)


One result row is produced for each image channel within each ROI.


0-based index of the image channel measured.

Type: Integer (int)


Mean of threshold-subtracted pixel values within Border Width pixels of the ROI border.

If Invert is false (default):

∑[max(Xi,c - Tc, 0)] / area

If Invert is true:

–∑[min(Xi,c - Tc, 0)] / area

Xi,c, value at pixel i on channel c
Tc, threshold for channel c
area, number of pixels included in the border region

Type: Numeric (double)


Length, in pixels, of the border.

Type: Numeric (double)

Border Stripe Pixels

Number of pixels included within the border region.

Type: Integer (int)